Service Mode Offline
Service Duration 3-4 Days
Payment Mode Online/Offline

In these day of just in time inventories and production, unplanned downtime of the machine due to sudden failure of the protection covers can cause, major losses like, idle laborers, overtime, missed deadlines, promise dates & loss of sales-profit. We offers periodic schedule preventive maintenance programmed for keeping your valued machines always in good uninterrupted running condition.


AMC procedures:

We have experianced team of technicians visit to work as per schedule. During their visit they open covers, clean & lubricate the guide ways &covers. They inspect the covers and as per requirement replace the damaged parts like wipers, shoes, rollers, bearings etc. and refit the cover on the machine.


On sight/In-housed Refurbishing & reconditioning of Telescopic covers

We rebuilds your old damaged cover into new condition at a fraction of the one.

  • Cleaning and disassembly of boxes.
  • Straightening of the boxes & Flanges.
  • Welding of the Boxes & flanges if require.
  • Replacement of the guide shoes & rollers.
  • Evaluation of the damaged cover.
  • Dents and bend removal.
  • Replacement of the wipers.
  • Replacement of side brass strips.

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